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Industrial Technology Research Institute Visited College of International Affair, Usher in a New Era of Mutual Cooperation

Date : 2021-03-22 Department : International Master's Program in International Studies
【Article by IMPIS】
For the purpose of enhancing the cooperation between academia and industries, the director of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsiu-qing Hu accompanied by two researchers, Wen-xien Chang and Shih-wei Zheng paid a visit to College of International Affairs of NCCU on March 16th, discussing about the possibility of establishing an international program. The director of International Master’s Program of International Studies (IMPIS), Professor Chung-chian Teng welcomed them representing for the college, with Professor Wen-yang Chang, Associate Professor Chung-han Wu and Associate Professor Chia-yi Li.

Industrial Technology Research Institute which was established in 1973 has been a world-leading technological research institute, also played a crucial role in the process of the economic development of Taiwan. Not only do they own more than 6,000 outstanding staffs, but they have also made salient contributions in various fields such as technology research, industrial development, creation of economic values and enhancing social welfare. Since its establishment, ITRI has dedicated itself to the research and development of integrated circuit (IC), meanwhile incubated many world-renowned companies in Taiwan, such as TSMC, UMC and Vanguard International. They are true pioneers of the development of Taiwan’s high-tech industry.

Professor Teng had paid a visit to the headquarter of ITRI near Technology Building Station at Taipei on November 5th last year for initiating the cooperation between the two sides. He met up with Vice President Pei-jen Chang from ITRI, and Vice Chairman of Sector of Regional and Cross-strait Cooperation, Dr. Tsun-jen Zheng. They forged primary consensus about future cooperation, course design and student admission during the meeting, and they also arranged the visit in the upcoming year.

During the meeting this time, the representatives of ITRI and NCCU have discussed the possibility of further cooperation on courses and internships for students of NCCU. In order to navigate through the volatility in the post-pandemic era and to tackle the obstacles brought by globalization, Industrial Technology Research Institute wished to cooperate with College of International Affairs of NCCU on courses, so that we can nurture talents with both an international perspective and fundamental industrial knowledge. The students we planned to recruit would mainly be international students, so we would also reach out for support from the government. As for the design of the courses, our college would draw more attention on the research of regional industry development pattern. Especially on comparing the industrial development policies among states, understanding the key factor for a successfully developed industry through the analysis of cases and past experiences.

The main categories of the courses would be:
1. Research of International Political Economy: lectured by the faculty of College of International Affairs of NCCU.
2. Pattern of Regional Industrial Development: lectured by the faculty of College of International Affairs of NCCU and the experts of ITRI.
3. Planning of Industrial and Technological Policies: lectured by the experts of ITRI.
4. Seminars and Visiting the Firms.

Moreover, Associate Professor Chung-han Wu planned to launch another visit with the students from NCCU to ITRI routinely, so that students from the college would learn the industrial research capacity of Taiwan and the process of development. Equipped with the knowledge of both international relations and Taiwan’s industrial capacity, we aspire that our students could improve Taiwan’s marketing capacity and visibility on the world stage. In other words, to make Taiwan’s accomplishments consistently being seen by the whole world.
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