
【英文學習工作坊】Impromptu for You

日期 : 2024-05-06 單位 : 雙語及多元文化推動辦公室

聆聽英文時總是手忙腳亂,有時候抓不到重點、有時候又不知道如何有效地回應問題嗎? 這個工作坊將幫助你解決以上困擾! \(๑•́o•̀๑)/


Outside of the classroom, you will encounter all sorts of words and concepts that you've never seen in a textbook. What do you do when you have no time to respond? You need to think on your feet and give a response that is still clear and concise! \(๑•́o•̀๑)/

💖This workshop will help you learn how to digest information and structure responses to questions. Whether you are getting ready for job interviews or applying to grad school, this will be a helpful workshop to get yourself ready.

🧑🏽‍🏫Instructor:  Joe Calpin
Public speaking coach, Freelance translator, Former Studio Classroom teacher

📍Place: Research Building, room 304
🕙Date and Time: 5/17 10:00 ~ 11:50


