President Chow recruits overseas talents with the MOST, the MOE, and top universities in Taiwan

Date : 2018-04-17 Department : -
Hou-yun Liu (柳厚勻) / Campus Reporter
Huai-Yin Chen (陳懷茵) / Staff Reporter

NCCU President Edward Chow (周行一) joined the Overseas Talent Acquisition tour organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ministry of Education (MOE), with 11 top universities to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, and New York from April 1 to 7.

To assist universities in Taiwan to attract the world’s elite, MOE launches the "Yushan Scholar" and "Yushan Young Scholar" programs. Once found fit, the universities will submit program applications to the MOE and then appoint the scholars with internationally competitive salaries and benefits. President Chow emphasized that NCCU has actively assisted its colleges to recruit outstanding scholars. Apart from the Yushan Programs, many overseas scholars and students had asked him about work-related information in Taiwan and expressed their high willingness to serve at NCCU.

President Chow mentioned that, before departing for the Acquisition tour, NCCU had already promoted the recruitment of overseas talents through NCCU Alumni Associations and partner universities, so that overseas Chinese and student groups would be able to know that NCCU has opening positions and inviting global talents to teach and do research in the fields of humanities, social sciences, commerce, education, communication, international affairs, foreign languages, computer science, applied mathematics, psychology, neuroscience, and applied physics.

During the tour, President Chow had gathered with the U.S. Eastern and Western Alumni Associations, appreciating their supports and briefing on NCCU’s current status of being the most internationalized and diversified university in Taiwan and the university actively keeps developing and renovating its teaching software and infrastructure. He also delivered NCCU’s global talent acquisition strategy and the favorable supplemental salary package, such as additional salary, assistance with children’s education, and accommodation, in hope that the Alumni Associations would pass on the recruitment information and promote the project, so to help strengthen NCCU’s professorship and form solid internationalized teaching and research teams.

According to the MOE, to be appointed as a “Yushan Scholar,” one should have worked at a leading international research institution or internationally renowned company for at least 10 years, and have an international academic reputation or international cutting edge expertise in a core technology. Except from salary received from the university, the Yushan Scholar will receive the statutory salary, an additional salary allowance of up to NT$ 5 million each year for three successive years from the MOE.

As for “Yushan Young Scholar,” one must have received the highest academic qualification within the last 10 years and have worked at a first-rate international research institution or internationally renowned company. After being selected, except from the salary paid by the university, the scholar will receive the statutory salary, an additional salary allowance up to NT$1.5 million each year for 5 successive years.

For both kinds of Yushan Scholars, the MOE will provide administrative support grant up to NT$1.5 million each year for the secretary or assistants personnel expenses.