
日期 : 2024-03-08 單位 : 國際金融學院


政治大學國際金融學院係由台灣政府與27家金融機構以及銀行公會共同捐助成立,旨在培育台灣下一代的國際金融人才。國際金融學院預計將招聘兩名金融與財務領域專任助理教授以上的師資。 申請人應具有相關領域的博士學位,具有深厚的學術研究能力,對金融與財務研究感興趣,並將負責以英文教授課程。新進教師被期待要與實務界人士密切互動,例如:邀約實務界人士擔任演講嘉賓,一起指導論文與共同設計課程。師資的聘任將自2024年8月開始,學院會從2023年12月起,開始接受申請,並採滾動式審查,直到職缺填滿為止。

Position Description

Jointly funded by Taiwanese government and 27 financial institutions, National Chengchi University’s College of Global Banking and Finance aspires to nurture Taiwan’s next generation talents in global banking and finance. The College is now accepting applications for two full-time, tenure-track positions in the field of banking and finance. All ranks and relevant disciplines will be considered. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree, possess a strong research background and an interest in the study of banking and finance. The successful candidates are expected to regularly engage with financial practitioners through thesis advising, guest speeches and sometimes co-design courses. The appointments are expected to start in August 2024. The faculty search team will review applications on a rolling basis starting in December 2023 until positions filled.




Application Details

Applicants should submit their application to Ms. Beatrice Hung at pthung@nccu.edu.tw. For an application to be considered complete, all applicants must submit a CV, an official copy of academic records, a photocopy of a Ph.D. degree certificate, a job market paper, other selected publications (if any), and arrange three letters of recommendations to be submitted to the above email. Junior applicants should have or expect to complete a Ph.D., preferably by June 1, 2024.