ICI Flash Course – “The Future of Chat-GPT in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges”

Date : 2023-06-02 Department : International College of Innovation
【Article by International College of Innovation】
In a flash course organized by the International College of Innovation, professors and students came together to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by ChatGPT in the field of education. The event commenced with a keynote address by Prof. Wen-Hung Liao, the Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science. He shed light on the various specializations in which GPT can be utilized and emphasized the potential challenges we may encounter with this groundbreaking technology that possesses unimaginable uncertainties.

Amidst the rapid development of technology, Prof. Liao urged the audience to pause and reflect, posing thought-provoking questions for discussion. He questioned whether social media users can still trust what they see and hear, considering the influence of advanced AI systems like ChatGPT. He also raised the concern of how can employees claim their expertise in a world where AI can perform complex tasks. For artists, he questioned how they should define creativity and originality in an era when AI can generate creative works. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of policymakers staying informed and the complexity of setting regulations on these assistive technologies. Lastly, he focused on education and the definition of “learning” in this new landscape.

One of the foremost challenges that teachers will face is ensuring the relevance of their material and teaching methods for students in an ever-changing future. The unpredictable pace of technological advancement poses a significant question: how can we determine whether the knowledge we are currently learning will remain relevant or necessary in the future? Despite traditional classroom teaching methods remaining mostly unchanged for centuries, the existence of ChatGPT poses a threat to the traditional way of education by making us redefine the meaning of “learning”. However, “isn’t it also an opportunity for us to rethink the old ways of education?” Prof. Tenzin Priyadarshi, the founding Director of The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, brought forth the conversation on opportunities and hope for an alternative education, a perspective for positive changes among teachers and students.

By engaging in discussions around these challenges and opportunities, the course participants aimed to deepen their understanding and collectively explore innovative approaches to education in the era of ChatGPT.