【ETP Series Lectures of the Academy of Social Sciences】My journey to INGOs

Date : 2022-04-25 Department : College of Social Sciences
【Article by College of Social Sciences】
On April 20th, the College of Social Sciences English Taught Program (ETP) hosted Jennifer Ho, the deputy director of the Asia Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organizations (APCASO) for a webinar where she shared her experience about a career in international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Students attended both in person and online, hoping to gain insight in the world of NGOs.

Born in Taiwan and currently located in Thailand, Ho was educated overseas earning a bachelor's degree in Economics from UCLA, and a master’s degree in Education Policy and International Education from USC. The discussion focused on her background and how her life experiences lead her to a career into international NGOs. Ho shared the pros and cons of working for an NGO and what one could expect when applying for opportunities. Students asked a variety of questions from the hiring process; what kinds of NGOs one could be interested in; what skills and experiences are required for a career in NGOs; and what difficulties one can encounter when pursuing a job at an NGO.

Having done work in global health, human rights, social justice, and gender equality, Ho has spent time in various locations around the Asia-Pacific while advocating for change at a grassroots level. She encouraged students to not be discouraged if their education or work experience is not necessarily related to NGOs, emphasizing that one can have a very successful career as long as the motivation exists.

APCASO is an international NGO which supports and promotes the role of NGOs in educating, expanding health care, and spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS in marginalized communities around Asia. Ho has served as the deputy director of the organization since 2015.